Cherry Hill East Football Golf Outing
3rd Annual Cherry Hill East Football Alumni & Friends Golf Outing
Who: Adults Only. Parents, Alumni, and Friends of the team. NO CURRENT PLAYERS. The Gridiron club would like to welcome the Dan Melleby Foundation and thank them for their sponsorship of this event.
When: Sunday, August 22nd, 2021
Where: Valleybrook Country Club. 200 Golfview Dr. Blackwood NJ 08012
Details: Awards will be given to lowest team score, longest drive, closest to the pin, putting contest, and other games throughout the course
- 12pm-Registration/ Happy Hour/Putting Contest
- 1pm- Golfing Begins
- 5:30ish- BBQ Dinner and Awards Ceremony.
Awards will be given to lowest team score, longest drive, closest to the pin, putting contest, and other games throughout the course
Food: 1 hr Happy Hour prior to Tee Off 12pm-1pm, BBQ Dinner after round at Awards Ceremony.
Cost: $110 per golfer before August 3rd. $135 per Golfer after August 3rd. *ALL PLAYERS MUST REGISTER/PAY IN ADVANCE
RSVP: Both an RSVP form and payment are required. All RSVP and payment due by August 16th.
Please RSVP using this Google form: Golf Outing RSVP (also available on eastcougars.com)
Payment: Payment can be made via:
- PayPal using payment buttons on eastcougars.com website
- Venmo to AJ-Miller-9 (include names of golfers please)
- Check made out to Cherry Hill East Gridiron Club
Mailed to: Cherry Hill East Gridiron Club c/o AJ Miller, 1910 Morris Dr., Cherry Hill NJ 08003
Hole Sponsorship: $80 per hole. Please indicate company name in the RSVP form. Email company logo to adaley@chclc.org or ajmillerjr73@gmail.com Payment can be made via any of the 3 methods listed.
Cherry Hill East Football Golf Outing Gallery